“…Kids in the Middle Coaching and Mentoring Scholarship Program is a Game Changer.”
~Tom Lancaster, CEO, Altitude Evolution

“…the Kids in the Middle program is a game changer!”
— DOE, Project Pivot and Former Eagle Academy Representative

“This program can be an early warning sign for our children!”
— My Brother’s Keeper Representative

“KITM can revolutionize the entire school system.”
— NYC Public High School leader

“…the vast majority of students have experienced what amounts to a ‘lost three years’ of education and development…This issue has exacerbated the inequities in a system that was already failing too many of our kids.” Ray McGuire, President of Lazard

The mission that drives Duncan Tree is a future where every student, regardless of their circumstances, is given the chance to reach their full potential. We're launching a transformative pilot program, and we need you to be a part of it.

Partnered with the NYC DOE and acclaimed organization IPEC Coaching, we're pioneering a new approach to education in the NYC school system—one focused not just on academic success, but on emotional support for development which directly impacts resilience. Our Kids In The Middle Coaching and Mentoring Scholarship Program is designed to prevent students from falling through the cracks—while increasing engagement and lowering stress for their parents and teachers.

We believe in meeting everyone where they are, acknowledging the challenges they face, and helping them find their unique leadership styles. We are here to lift up a generation and we need you to come along.

Are you ready to make a change in you?

Kids in the Middle (KITM) is designed to create a healthy ecosystem for students, parents, and teachers, giving them an advantage in life where they are better able to manage their emotions instead of having their emotions manage them. It will increase their levels of engagement at school, work, and home and help them be better problem solvers.

KITM teaches individuals how to overcome emotional blind spots that may be hindering their progress. Being able to identify one’s primary and secondary energy levels under optimal conditions and how to cope with life's challenges under duress may take some people a lifetime.

Our approach relies on Core Energy Leadership, empowering both self and others through data-driven emotional intelligence assessments.

Designed For all students but starting with NYC High School Students Ages 15-17. Core Energy and career assessments, coaching, and mentoring. Coaching sessions led by trained, licensed, and vetted ICF coaches.

PHASE II: All High School Students plus Emotional Intelligence MasterClasses for Parents and Teachers

PHASE III: High School and Middle School Students plus Emotional Intelligence MasterClasses for Parents and Teachers

Duncan Tree has Evolved…check out our podcast on Spotify, Apple & Google Podcast

  • Episodes

    We’re excited about our expansion from ‘boots on the ground scoliosis missions’ to Jamaica and the Philippines. The global pandemic created a wonderful opportunity for us to expand our global reach by sharing our message of healing teaching and empowerment on our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast.

  • Ouida Duncan

    Our Founder's Story

    Ouida Duncan became a Certified Professional Emotional Intelligence Coach at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC), in 2017, sparked by her passion for supporting and championing people on their path to enlightenment. She leans on her listening skills to guide, encourage, and empower individuals on a one-on-one basis. She is an expert in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion who obtained her certification from Cornell University. To strengthen her business management skills, Ouida recently earned her MBA in International Business at the University of Bath in Somerset, in the UK.

  • Join Us

    We work with our partners to educate, inspire and empower young people of color through mentoring and coaching programs. Join us today help to make a positive impact.

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